To report cheaters ? which website can be used ?

I have been cheated during an audio deal to report these cheater's deal ? which websites can be used ? (besides ofcourse)
rademaker: was this an internet sale? if so, which site was involved? if it was not an internet sale, was it interstate or local (intrastate)? -cfb
You might consider emailing membername = Ehfm. Mr. Hoffman is a federal prosecutor for the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice & has an interest in online fraud.
However, he has already told me that the FTC does look into Internet scams more frequently than the Antritrust division does, but don't expect fast resolutions or personalized responses.
You can send them your information and hope that with the information they get from others in a like situation that they will take action.

FTC Consumer Response Center 202/326-3128
877/382-4357 complaint line

Postal address:
Federal Trade Commission
Attention: CRC
Washington, D.C. 20580

Additionally if the transaction was through this site then you could go to the HELP section & refer to the Dispute Resolution Process.