What is causing the hum?

I hooked up my MC-12 to my Sherbourn amps for the first time last night. I noticed a very annoying hum and also, it seemed like I was not getting all of the power I needed to my Thiel Powerpoints. With the volume all the way up, the powerpoints were not overly loud. I would expect them to be, as the Sherbourns are 200watt amps at 8 ohms. Heck, my Yamaha receiver made the Thiels extremely loud at 50% on the volume control.

What gives? How do I get rid of this hum?
Also make sure you're not using Halogen lights on the same circuit.

My Rotel RB-1090 hummed so loud I thought it was going to take off. I ended up tracing the problem not to a ground loop, but by a Halogen light I was using in the room.

I could turn the light off and the hum would stop (dead quiet.) Then if I turned it back on, the hum was back. I ended up moving the light to a new circuit which cleared up the hum.

Good luck.
Well Steve - that's what I call a great response! Technically I could of helped out but never could I have responded so clearly and completely. Thank you.
Well done, Steve. I've been fighting an annoying hum for quite awhile now. No one ever explained the problem or suggested the solution more clearly than you did. Thanks. I'll give it a try.