Bigger Amp?

I am considering an amp upgrade and would appreciate some (friendly) advice. I am currently using a McCormack DNA-125 to power a pair of Audio Physic Spark III's and although I really like the McCormack, I am looking to add a little more warmth and presence to my system. I have heard some say that a more powerful amp will add more presence, even at low volume. I prefer to stay with SS since I can't afford to buy/maintain a good tube amp. Can any of you big SS amp owners attest to what more power will get me (if anything) at low volume?

A second thought on the never ending shuffle of equipment. You say you don't want tubes but me thinks its going to haunt you. You sound like me a few years back! (no insult intended and I apologize in advance.) I have found that the best soft dynamics I have ever heard have always been with well designed horn speakers. Oh Oh,- there goes the whole system! There is a discussion about this at in the effecient speaker forum (dated 12-15-01) called "Higher effeciency=Better dynamic impact?". I think I agree with the general drift of the discussion there. Check it out and keep listening to some good high effecient horn speakers with tubes. God Damn the Pusher!
The HT Pro Silways introduced too much shrillness/brightness/sibilance into my system. The Truthlinks were a lot warmer sounding at the expense of some rolled off highs, but worth it to me. I currently use something else, but possibly you could experiment with some different cables before changing gear.
If you like the overall sound of the McCormack but want to make a significant upgrade, you might try the SMc Audio upgrades. I went from a 0.5 DLX to 0.5 Rev B and the improvement was very significant, across the board. You might want to talk to them about your associated equipment. Another thought, if you are using the Theta as a digital volume control, others have reported loss of dynamics and overall "thin" sound when using digital sources without an active pre-amp. Maybe try borrowing one and see if it helps (tube pres work well with McCormack amps; I am using a BAT VK3i).
Try experimenting with different upgrade AC cords; there's no mention of cable tweaking above so I don't knoiw if you've tried this yet, but never underestimate what cables & tweaks can do for you. You'll never know the full capabilities of your existing equipment until you thoroughly investigate further. Might already have all that it takes, but you just don't know it yet...