What is a good amp that cost no more then 3500.00


I still cant make up my mind which amplifier should a get. I want a amplifier that last me for 15+ years. I prefer a used amplifier that i can buy it under $3,500.00. I am looking for a 200 watts power amplifier. Need some help and suggestion.

There are many. BUY USED and save $1000s.

Tube: Conrad Premier 11 (can but bought for $3000)

My recommendation is purchase 2 music fidelty A3cr (solid state)and bi amp. They are very hard to find used because they are so, so good. You should be able to get them new for about $1500 each. One will work with efficient speakers.
Get the A3cr not the 300. Match it with an ADCOM 750 preamp. You can get that used for about $750 - $900.

You will have a superb set up for a song. I have treid almost all the names you see on Audiogon (Madgril, Cary, CJ,
Audio Research, McCormack, YBA, REGA, and many more.)

The reality the above combination with efficient speakers will do about as good as it gets.

Best speakers for the $$$ Virgo (biwireable) and Dunlavy IV
(not the IVa). Either of these can be had used for about $2500 - $3000 used)

Inteconnects for the money Audioquest Quartz.(Used - $75).
Speaker wire for the money Audioquest midnight III or dh labs (Used $200-$400).
Yo, Dzz; You got to say what speakers you got./ and do you plan to keep them? How big is the room/ how loud do you listen? Is the rest of your equipment in keeping with a 7/8k amp? So many speakers "need" SS and there are many that don't. There are many great amps in this range / making the right choice is partly dependant on the ans. to some of my questions.
I've owned many amps, tube and solid state, and my favorite
thus far (which I've been using now for 2+ years) is the
Mark Levinson 27.5 It has a smooth, refined presentation,
excellent bass definition and slam, extended and pure
high frequencies and superb imaging/soundstaging. It is
also essentially "bulletproof". They can be found occasionally used for $1900-2100 in excellent condition.
They will also lose very little on resale as there is a
demand for them. They were last made in 1995. Even 3-4
years ago, they sold for about $2000 used.
Depending on speakers and it may be hard to beat the Gamut D-200 (SS) or the Pathos twin towers (hybrid) in this price range.
Hi Brian:

My suggestion is an Innersound ESL amplifier, rated at 300 watts per channel. It will drive just about anything excellently, and electrostats superbly. It weighs 40 lbs, runs cool, has XLR & RCA inputs, and compact size. Retail is $2995, and often at Audiogon for 1/3 less. Most important, it has outstanding reproduction of music, and equally outstanding product support from Innersound (Roger Sanders, the designer.)This amp will go the distance, because it is so overbuilt, really unstrained; but capable of huge dynamics when called for. The website is "www.innersound.net", for pictures, reviews, and tech information. Good luck.