Tube Pre into HT system?

My room has to do double duty for HT for the family and music for me. Are there any tube pre's that integrate easily into a HT system to provide a little tube sound when listening to 2-channel music? FWIW the system:
Proceed PMDT
Proceed AVP
MF NuVista 300
Proceed AMP3
Revel Studios
Revel Voice
Revel S30
There are some companies that make tube pre-amps that has processor loops.

These processor loops direct the selection of what feeds your left and right front only. The source selected from the pre-amp or it sends the signal from your processor to the front left and right when the processor loop in selected. It also keep the two seperated the rest of the time.

With this it allows you to have the best of both systems, without haveing to switch cables.

I had the Audio Research LS-25. The processor loop works flawlessly. It will give you the choice of Balanced or single ended in and out. You can also mix and match single ended in balanced out or Balanced in and single ended out.

When you switch to the process loop your surround processor controls the volume.

Audio Research has different Models with the processor loop so you have some price range.

I currently Have the Conrad Johnson LS-16 MK2 and it has two processor loop. If you want the processor to control the volume. Ask CJ to put a unity Gain cir. in one of the processor loops when they build it, they will gladly do that. Then just select and your HT processor has total volume control. They also have different model to choose from. However CJ is single ended only.

I liked the sound of the CJ LS-16 MK2 over the LS-25 is the only reason I switched. Both function / functioned flawlessly

It also seem to me that they improved the sound of my Lexicon MC-1 when using for DVD music video, or if feel like using the Lexicon to create 7 channel surround from two channel CD.
sonic frontiers line 1-2-3 have an ssp loop, i am currently looking at setting up a HT and will use the loop. a pre out of your HT processor is necessary to use the ssp loop and your better 2 ch gear
