Krell amps with Magneplanar speakers

Has anyone any experience using Krell amps with Magneplanar speakers? I have the 3.6r speakers and have thought about buying a 200/300 fpbc amp. Would the combo produce a bright sound (since the speaker has a very revealing, extended high end)? Would the low end be balanced, i.e. not too bassy? Your comments are much appreciated.
I agree with Tireguy. Jeff Rowland would be a much better match than Krell if you are going the transistor route.

VTL, BAT, Atmasphere or Wolcott would all be great choices in tube gear. A friend who is a reviewer has done a lot of listening tests with Maggies and among the better known amps choose VTL as his reference. I personally prefer the Wolcotts, but among the brands listed there are many excellent choices.
I dont know who tireguy hangs with but in my two cents worth are as follows. The BAT is a fine amp but in my house it is not the most nutral amp ive heard its a matter of taste. I think the Krell KSA&KMA amps sound better than the FBP. The Roland is a good amp as is the Levinson. In solid state these are the ones i would buy. I would look hard at a KSA 200 or a Mark Levinson 23.5. These can be got at great prices with a little shopping on the net.
I too like Tireguy's suggestion for solid state. For tubes, I would highly recommend the Wolcott's (Albert's choice as well). I heard the Wolcott's on the Maggie's and do not know that I have ever heard the Maggie's sound better. I was SHOCKED!!! I have heard them with Krell's, Classe, ARC, etc and the Wolcott's did something none of the others could. It provided a really focused soundstage as well as suprisingly great dynamics and bass. If you are interested in the Wolcott's, call Duke at AudioKinesis, a great dealer and a great guy!

Good Luck!
I agree that tubes sound a lot better with his speakers but I was trying to compare apples to apples(well sort of any how). I use a BAT tube amp and am enamored with its sound. I have yet to hear a Krell set up that sounds good, to me any way, I know many feel the same way, but this is not a Krell vs. the world thread(again). All I am trying to say is do yourself a favor and check out some other stuff. Best wishes,
You may want to try Bryston 7B's, Legacy Audio Monoblocs, and Rogue Audio 120's. I have tried all three and they all sound superb with the Maggie 3.6's.