What happened to Counterpoint's Mike Elliott?

There is a wonderful article and interview just posted at Enjoy the Music. com.

Srajan Ebaen covers the demise of Counterpoint, Mike Elliotts projects both then and now, and the new Aria amps that are such a success in Japan.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xalbertporter
I was aware of altavista audio, but the link you provided is a good addition.

I was a big fan of the high end gear manufactured by Mike Elliott, both at Counterpoint and under the EASE banner. The Counterpoint SA 9 phono stage is still one of the best phono stages ever built.
A large, lonely Sauropod came by, smelled the Brut aftershave that Mike, mistakenly, splashed on as he headed out to work (to make that one last tweek which would, at long last, perfect the Arias), scooped him up in his (her?) jaws and made Mike his/her own. The newswires are quiet like a tomb, almost too quiet, and I am quite worried for Mike.

Sorry, Albertporter, I couldn't resist; a little punchy today. I miss the old crowd's sarcasm (but, admittedly, I am a very poor substitute...). Please, someone funnier say something funnier; this site is in danger of blandness, a horrible thing.

I liked the SA9 too, but reliabilty/sonic merit on the rest was, well...hello, hello, hello, is anyone down there... if you get what I mean.

Please, tell us about the Arias and what you've heard, in toto, out of Japan (and by what crowd - SE, Rowland, Accuphase, etc. - so we can have a rough point of reference).
