Thanks for that bit of knowledge; it makes sense to me. I remeasured the amps today after playing around with them a bit and now they both measure under 20mV. So it would appear that they will be safe enough to use. I will be in touch with the amp's designer next week when he returns from CES, and perhaps he will have more to say on the subject. Prior to my posting this question, he sent me a message not to connect my speakers to the amps if I measured more than 20mV of DC offset following a 10-minute warm-up period.
Dear Clueless, your sense of humor is appreciated and no offense is taken. I think that DC offset in small amounts will pull or push your speaker's diaphram/cone out of its neutral resting position, although that may not be audible in most cases, which is why you need to measure for it. Of course larger amounts of DC can act to destroy drivers. My measurements were taken at the amp's speaker posts while the speaker cables and interconnects were disconnected.
Have a great weekend guys!
Thanks for that bit of knowledge; it makes sense to me. I remeasured the amps today after playing around with them a bit and now they both measure under 20mV. So it would appear that they will be safe enough to use. I will be in touch with the amp's designer next week when he returns from CES, and perhaps he will have more to say on the subject. Prior to my posting this question, he sent me a message not to connect my speakers to the amps if I measured more than 20mV of DC offset following a 10-minute warm-up period.
Dear Clueless, your sense of humor is appreciated and no offense is taken. I think that DC offset in small amounts will pull or push your speaker's diaphram/cone out of its neutral resting position, although that may not be audible in most cases, which is why you need to measure for it. Of course larger amounts of DC can act to destroy drivers. My measurements were taken at the amp's speaker posts while the speaker cables and interconnects were disconnected.
Have a great weekend guys!