Best tube pre-amp with remote vol. control

What is the best tube pre-amp with remote vol. control that you have heard?
The Rogue 99 was a nice step up from my conrad johnson.It also has a nice phono stage.
I have a VTL 5.5 signiture with remote that i find to be very open and neutral in my system. I haven't tried the optional phono section yet. I can't see any reason to change. The CJ gear was too warm for me.
Sonic Frontiers Line 2 is also an excellent choice, wonderful sound, easy to use, and great value new or pre-owned.
Also, allows easy and cost effective tube swapping scenarios.
If you have $14,000.00 to spend, the best remote control preamp (ever) should be available in less than three months. Not yet public, but I assure you, worth the wait, if within your budget.