Tube Preamp for Rowland 8Ti

Any suggestions on tube preamp for Rowland 8Ti?

My system is: Rowland 8Ti + Avalon Eclipse Classic + Wadia 850
Why would you want a tube preamp? Doesn't the Wadia go direct? Also tube preamps sometimes have a highish output impedance, which does not typically work well with Rowland amps.
The BAT 50SE might work though. Cheers

Maybe you should have a bit more knowledge before you spout off? Rowland power amps have rather high input impedances, perfect for tube preamps. The Model 10 and 12 for example are IIRC 47kohm. Any modern tube preamp/linestage with even average drive output can mate with such an input impedance w/o problems.

I have used several different tube linestages with Rowland power amps with nary a problem; and much better sound than even Rowland's own Synergy II, which I did not like. But then, I have yet to hear a solid-state linestage that I like.
the Rowland 10, and thought that the system (w/ the BAT CDP and Vienna Acoustic Mahlers) was one of the most musical I have ever heard, and I'm very picky about saying "best".

Tube pre's will (generally) impart some unique sonic signature, so the proof will be in your own listening.

Good luck, and good listening.
