Help needed.

OK - I was originally going to purchase a C.J. Premier 18 Pre-Amp based on the suggestions of a local high end audio dealer. This Sunday - I brought back my test disks to listen and my purchase decision had changed drastically.

The Premier 18 sounded fabulous on the mids - warm and sweet. However, the highs were a little bright for my taste - almost harsh of Reference Recordings "Pomp and Pipes" The bass also seemed lacking quite a bit on Reference Recordings "Tutti" disk - Stravinski Fire Bird.

Next we moved on to a Krell KRC-3 - while the Bass was more present, it still didn't feel right. The highs were strident and ringy - especially on "Pomp and Pipes" and Wynton Marsalis - "Music for Baroque Trumpet" (a 24 bit recording).

However...we then hooked up a C.J. PV-14L and the magic started happening. The mids were warm and sweet - just the way I like them. But now the bass (esp. the Bass Drum slams in the Fire Bird) - felt penetrating (how the Tube CJ did this better than the Krell I don't know). The highs were also very nice - in fact this pre made me want to listen to more and more.

So my questions - what have you all heard about the CJ PV-14L? Am I making a mistake? Should I listen to other pre's before making the plunge into tubes? What should I know about tubes before making the plunge - as I have no 'tube' experience at all.

Any help from the group will be appreciated!

Not enough info... What were the speakers, source and amp? What size room? What are you using now?
Whatjd and others...

I am almost embarassed to tell you what I'm using now...but...

I have B&W 803 II Matrix speakers
Sansui G-5000 receiver - (this is leaving very soon)
Rotel 971 CD
Straight Wire Rhapsody II Interconnects and Speaker Cable

I bought a Krell KAV-250a last month so the Pre-Amp (what ever brand or model is ends up being) is needed to finish my basic system - I have plans for other units in the future (noteably some sort of Magnum Dynalab tuner :-)

My room size is 16.5' by 16.5' - square. Room treatment in medium furiture with pleated fabric on all 4 walls. Floors are hard wood with a 6'x9' oriental rug in the center of the room.

I like odd combinations of sonics: up-front and present but not schreechy or ringy. Precise highs, warm natural mids and penetrating but not boomy bass. I play pipe organ and direct chorale music so I listen to a lot or organ and choral CD's as well as a good deal of symphonic things.

Hope this helps all the curious and leads to some interesting ideas and thoughts....

Erik,'re starting with some good components, and seem to understand where you want to go.

Some good advice above. So read, listen and trust your own ears and choices.