An integrated would make a lot of sense here -- you would most likely get better sound than using your receiver as a pre-amp into a separate amp, for not much more money. And you can be more confident about what it will sound like when you are done.
I have listened to both the AR Complete that Subaru mentions (nice sound, and the remote is very cool!), and liked it slightly better than the Arcam 75, which I listened to head-to-head (and which has a full-featured but complicated remote). I believe both list under $1200 new; I think my local dealer was selling the Complete for under $1000 new. I demoed these with ProAC speakers, but the same dealer sells AE speakers with these integrateds, and recommends them together.
In my case (inefficient speakers, large room), separates in the same price range (with the benefit of demo/closeout pricing) provided more power and better sound, but many here have reported very good luck with smaller rooms and efficient speakers.
Because you want to continue to use these speakers for Home Theatre also, I'm not sure if eliminating your receiver entirely is really an option? Or do you need to keep your receiver in the loop at least as a pre? Perhaps we are barking up the wrong tree here? Or perhaps there is a way to "wire it up" that someone else can offer?
- Eric
I have listened to both the AR Complete that Subaru mentions (nice sound, and the remote is very cool!), and liked it slightly better than the Arcam 75, which I listened to head-to-head (and which has a full-featured but complicated remote). I believe both list under $1200 new; I think my local dealer was selling the Complete for under $1000 new. I demoed these with ProAC speakers, but the same dealer sells AE speakers with these integrateds, and recommends them together.
In my case (inefficient speakers, large room), separates in the same price range (with the benefit of demo/closeout pricing) provided more power and better sound, but many here have reported very good luck with smaller rooms and efficient speakers.
Because you want to continue to use these speakers for Home Theatre also, I'm not sure if eliminating your receiver entirely is really an option? Or do you need to keep your receiver in the loop at least as a pre? Perhaps we are barking up the wrong tree here? Or perhaps there is a way to "wire it up" that someone else can offer?
- Eric