Krell vs Levinson vs Pass vs Rowland

I know there have been many threads about these amps, however none which addresses these 4 together. I would like to spend between $3-3,500 used and I have narrowed my search to the final 4:

Levinson 334
Krell FPB 200
Rowland Model 10 ???
Pass X250

Which amp has the greatest transparency, best imaging, and will throw the deepest, widest soundstage? I know all will have sufficient bass and satisfying highs, so I am not concerned with those attributes.

I know there will be other suggestions besides these 4 amps mentioned here, but I am really concerned with narrowing these 4 down to 1 first!! Please do not respond with suggestions for other amps. Thanks for any help with this!!
I own two Pass X350s and couldn't be happier. They are one of my favorite audio purchases. Pass customer service is outstanding. Build quality and sound quality are among the best. I started off with a Krell amplifier that went on fire, next moved to a Proceed, and finally settled with Pass- and have been content ever since. Thinking of adding a Pass X1 or Rowland Synergy IIi preamp. Any comments on these two? I like the Rowland because it offers dual balanced outputs. The Pass X0.2 offers this as well, but is a big jump in price from the X1.
I own a Rowland Model 2 with a BPS (battery power supply).
Until I heard the Pass Aleph series, it was the best sound I've heard/owned. I do not like the newer Rowland amps. I believe they are weak in the bass. I bought my Model 2 from a friend who "moved up" to a new Rowland Model 112.
Although it was rated at 150 watts compared to the Model 2s 75 watts, everyone who heard it on his Wilson Witt 2s agreed, the Model 2 had better bass control. He sold the Model 112 & bought a used Levinson 333, its now for sale on Audiogon...
I recently bought Pass Aleph 2s on Audiogon. The Pass Aleph is the first amp I've heard that came close & in the midrange beat my Model 2. Right now I wouldn't sell either.
I also own an Aleph 3 & an Aragon 4004 MkII, they both work great for the systems I use them in...
The Rowland amps must be left on all the time. The Pass Alephs run too hot in Class A to leave on, they warm up in 20-30 minutes.

Its like having 2 girfriends!
Rowland & Pass..

I'll second the Pass aleph nomination. I have a pair of aleph 2's and I don't think I'll sell them in the next ten years. If you can get away with 100 Watts per channel , a used pair of aleph 2's can be had for around 3K. btw I run them with the aleph p and watt puppy 5.1's. The levinson sound a little dull in my opinion. I never liked any of the krell systems I've heard except one owned by audionut. His krell system sounded great so maybe matching with krell is difficult. I would go with Pass.
As for holding value, let's not kid ourselves. If you buy this stuff new -- any of it -- even with the typical 10 percent to 20 percent discount, you take a beating when you sell. As for sonics, with my Dunlavy SCIV/A speakers, the Rowland Model 10 had a bit more clarity; the Pass X350 has a fuller sound (more body). Both are awfully good. The Krell and Levinson amps I've heard aren't in the same class, sonically. That's my opinion, anyway.