Amp recommendations to drive Martin Logan Prodigy?

I need some input here please. I want to upgrade my Bel Canto 200.2 Evo amps. They are great amps but with the system I have right now: Audiomeca Mephisto II cdp, Wytech tube pre-amp and the ML Prodigy, they seem to have become the weak link.
I am a fan of Atmasphere amps, but since my speakers are low impedance 4 Ohm, this is not the amp to go for. (If I had the funds I would upgrade to the top Soundlab electrostats, which are 8 Ohm. They would be a perfect match for the Atmasphere amps. Well, maybe one day)
But back to my original question: I would love some monoblocks with my power hungry ML Prodigy, so one amp I looked at is the Electrocompaniet Nemo. The Mark Levinson 33 is a nice amps also, but above my budget.
Any other amp ideas to get the most out of my speakers?
Try a BAT VK-500, though not a monoblock per se but a dual mono-meaning one chassis with two seperate everythings inside(including power cords). I have a friend who has ML with a VK-200 and swears by it, he uses the moniker Pcc here and will most likely share his expierences with you.
Krell is a perfect match for Martin Logans. I've tried many and cannot find one that will outdo the Krell/Martin Logan setup.
I recently heard the MLs with a McIntosh MC 602. The system used several different CD players (BAT, Mark L separates, and Meridian) both thru a BAT 50SE and straight in. It was one of the most musical demos I had heard at this dealers. The amp trounced the Mark Lev and a Spectral that was there. We were also supposed to listen to the 2102 but some fool who had borrowed it spilled a beverage on it an lunced give these latest generation McIntosh amps a listen.