Anybody Heard Belles350a replacing a rogue 88

Looking to go back to ss because I replaced a ML331 with the 88 & my reason for this is the 331 was dark in the upper end. But I miss the sheer power & those blacks of the 331. Belles 350a looks good & the odyssey looks good to. Any thoughts would be appreciated.The system: Naim 3.5. clearaudio champion level 2. benz glider. quicksilver phonostage. ARC LS25Mrk2. Cellestion A3. Wire is wastach cable works.
i have a 350a and it is an amazing amp---i have great difficulty imagining anything that can better it significantly in any area, and its $3500 retail,easily beating those 2x the money.

i haven't heard the rogue 88.
I was all excited about the 350A after reading a rave review about it, but when it arrived at home I was very very disappointed. Darkest piece that I've ever heard. Might work better with all silver cabling (including silver AC cord - which is the way I believe it was reviewed) but with my rig it was lame in every way & I sent it back. The piece did have some low hours on it initially but certainly had enough time to be broken in. Apparently it was a synergy issue because many other products have succesfully "plugged right in" to my rig. And others such as Rhyno can't compliment the 350A enough so go figure? A modded 150A didn't work well for me either, but from the reviews I could still be tempted to try one if I hadn't already.
Sorry I can't compare it to the Rogue though...
I cannot compare to the Rogue because I haven't really heard it. I can tell you, though, that my experience with the 350A has been quite different from Bob's. I use it with my beloved Mezzo Utopias and I chose it in part because, in my system, it is anything but dark. I find it a little cool and analytical; exactly the sound I am seeking in my music system.

That being said, I don't discount a word of what Bob wrote. Components interact in odd ways for complex reasons that we don't even begin to understand. For that reason, I am always dubious when some enthusiast says, "You MUST get the Ear-O-Phonic 2000, it blows EVERYTHING else away." Well, maybe it that room...with that equipment...for that listener.

Listen a lot. Buy what sounds good to you.
