best remote preamp for McCormack amp

I am looking for the best matching preamp other than a mccormack to match up with my dna-2. Just a simple line stage, no phono, and non passive.thanks for any feedback.
You may also want to try BAT VK3i; mine sounds very nice with DNA-1 Rev. B and uses 4 6922s and 2 6V6s. The pre runs cooler than the SS amp!
If you're not looking to go tubes you might want to check out the Placette active preamp, which is very highly regarded and extremely neutral. I think you can try it risk free for 30 days as it's only available factory direct. Best of luck.

I have been using a Kora Eclipse preamp (Siemens gold-pin tubes)with my DNA-225 for just over a month and have been very well pleased. LARGE soundstage and detail. This is a hybrid pre with a SS phono section which also serves my needs quite well. With the excpetion of volume control, the Kora can ONLY be used via the remote control unit. As such, TWO are provided with the preamp.

Your question is wide open. We we could recomend at least 100 different preamps. How much money do you want to spend, and what kind of sound do you want?
I'm on my second SF line 1--a gold faced and at an incredible deal a few years back.   Around 600 for it.    Lots of good connection options as the Line 1 or the 2 or 3.   2 balanced inputs.  1 balanced op.  2 rca's pre out, Most pre's only have 1 pair of pre out.    tape connections as well as plenty of rca inputs.  I have 3 amps running off of mine.. Used separately and with choice of hi sensi speakers for the 2a3 SET that is a part of the system  . A MCcormack DNA 0.5 is one and the other is a Pass xa30,5.    The remote is my favorite of any I have used..  the aluminum hockey puck.    There is a good tweak for the dac chips for the volume control---replacing the Crystal with Burr Brown--I have  which ones written down somewhere..  2 Crystal chips are soldered to the board which means need to change over to socket type and there is no one around here that I would want working on it so havnt done the conversion.  Some units already have the sockets so its a matter of buying the Burr Browns which are only about 12 bucks apiece.