Bridging Classe CA-100's

As a future upgrade I was considering picking up a second Classe CA-100(I can get one used usually for around 600 bucks)and bridging them.Has anyone tried this?I am not currently using a preamp,would I need one to do this?Any advice would be appreciated by this audiophile novice. Thank You- krelldog(I mean the dog who can't afford Krell)
Krelldog, Refer to a thread called "monoblocks did not work" where I talk about my unsuccessful Bridging of CA-400's. You will be better of either bi-amping (vertical) or go for one step up high power stereo amp.Summary is amps primarily designed as stereo amp won't perform as goods as "monoblocks" when bridged.
I use a Classe CAV-150 six-channel amp bridged for three channels in my H/T system. It works very nice in this config. However it is only feeding my center and rear channels so it's a little hard to tell what's really going on musically.