please help a rookie

I planning to get my very first audio system and it looks pretty confusing.I tried to do some homework, bought stereophile and hanged on various net forums to get more info. I'll have to spend 1-1.5k on a solid amp, maybe a little less on a cd player and about the same for speakers. I listen to opera, jazz and pop, my room is 20X15, hardwood floors. I am looking at arcam A85, musical fidelity a3, rotel 1080, but any suggestions for best bang for my buck, new or used will be very wellcomed. Btw, I like the sweet sound of B&W...thanks.
Buy used! Whatever you buy you will just want something better in a very short time, that is if you really have the disease. Godd Luck
I've been going through the same process as newbie after a 15 year hiatus and my best advice is to listen, listen, listen. Pick a few favorite CDs, a variety of music, and listen to as many amps and speakers as possible. They are all so different and the synergy complicates the listening.

If you like B&Ws then you probably like crisp sounding equipment so solid state is your best bet. The Arcam might complement this crisp, bright sound well as it is a bit analytical (I prefer warm sounding equipment).

I had similar room problems as you -- big room, wood floors, plus the spouse (she's not a problem, she just has opinions). I decided that I could not dedicate the room to a nice system with a correct listening location so after going through several iterations of equipment combinations I think I'm going to settle for a Linn Klassik and also get a nice small system for my office where I can really define things (I work at home).

But have fun too. There is lots of good stuff out there. Ask around, shop around, but only buy what sounds good for you within your budget.

But! Do your research, pick some items, and go listen! Your ears are your best guide.
My most recent upgrade had the same budget as your start up (lucky you!!) ... I ended up with killer bang for the buck with the following used system;

Classe CAP-150 integrated w/ phono stage
Hales Revelation 3 speakers
CAL Icon II CD deck (carried over from my old system)
speaker cables are soon to be Kimber 8TC
interconnects are Kimber Hero
digital link is soon to be Kimber AGDL.

Your budget leaves a little room to max out the MSB with upsampling and a trick power supply.

I would also consider looking for a used Adcom 750, Musical Fidelity or maybe a balanced Theta Miles (the Classe has balanced inputs!!!!!).

Anyone considering the Revelation 3s used should be aware of the factory box never being made to survive UPS!!! Insist on pickup/delivery, double box (difficult at best) or putting them on a skid and giving the local LTL carrier some business.

Buy a rug. Have fun. Don't let the 'sound of the system' overtake your enjoyment of the music. Keep going to live performances ... they recalibrate your ears to what instruments and voices really sound like.
I'd buy F. Alton Everest's "Sound Studio Construction on a Budget" and learn what your room needs. A modest system in a well-treated room will usually sound better, be a lot less fatiguing, than a high end system in an acoustic nightmare of a room. Your room dimensions give you a good start. You can then follow some of the good advice others have offered.
Thanks everybody for the very interesting answers. To be onest,I did some research but way too little listening in the high-end demo room, partially because I am living in a rural area[ SC], without many dealers around...

For folks like me, yours advice is quite wellcomed, as it will be easier to select from a small number of options,when I'll visit the audio stores

B&W wise, I listened to 602s and 805s. NTS 7-9 are in my price range. Talking about money, nothing is carved in stone. I'll rather strech now a little if it is neccesary to get on the best place in the diminishing returns curve...That means I am opened to any suggestions, but the plan was to get an integrated amp/cd/speakers. I 'll get a rug, thanks!