Y Splitter for Bi-Amping?

I was reading a thread that may solve a problem for me re: bi-amping. I gather (this seems a bit like religion) that when using identical amps, vertical bi-amping is preferred. A prior thread talked about using a Y splitter to generate the two inputs needed for each of two amps off one set of pre-amp outputs. I poked around a bit, and there seems to be more religious fervor on the topic of split at amp end versus split at pre-amp end. Chesky's site recommends the former to avoid cable loading on the pre-amp outputs, for whatever that's worth.

Here's my question. Who makes a high quality Y splitter? Ideally, seems like I'd need a female RCA that has two tails of about 6" each, each terminating in a male RCA. Seems like kind of a joke to slap a Radio Shack connector on the end of a run of Kimber KCAG, however. The alternative appears to be a Y RCA plug, but that means another two sets of 6" KCAG interconnects. Yeah, I suppose I could roll my own, but its been a while since I owned a soldering iron. Any suggestions?

In the same vein, do people who vertically bi-amp--esp. with tubes--occasionally switch which channel is driving the top/bottom? Would it matter for longevity?
I have some esoteric audio cables rca splitters which are now streetwires (?) - work well, sonically inoffensive.

They are said to be good - no personal experience. Please report back.