What's inside these aluminum/metal cases?

I have three links below to pictures of amps with their lids removed, one is an integrated, and I am curious to the thoughts of those that have the technical knowledge of amps to discuss the inner componants and order of design.

We tweak our systems with expensive cables, yet I look at pictures such these pictures and wonder what all the signal must go through.

Let me put the disclaimer out, I do not own any of these amps nor did I single them out, I just happen have pictures of them with their "hoods" off, if I had some others, I may of included them as well.

Kind of makes you sick sometimes doesn't it? Look under the hood of some pricey componentry & you find a maze of tangled cables dangling unsupported all over the place. I don't get it either; of course it makes you wonder?
Now get ahold of an Accuphase or an old Luxman Ultimate component. Everything is neatly laid out, fully supported, individually shielded, acoustically isolated, *quality* construction. I'm sure there are many others that are built likewise.

I don't know if you are talking of those I listed, but as I stated, I don't know enough about the inner workings and don't have anything negative to say of those I supplied. As for neat, these look neatly done to me, whether good or bad.