What's inside these aluminum/metal cases?

I have three links below to pictures of amps with their lids removed, one is an integrated, and I am curious to the thoughts of those that have the technical knowledge of amps to discuss the inner componants and order of design.

We tweak our systems with expensive cables, yet I look at pictures such these pictures and wonder what all the signal must go through.

Let me put the disclaimer out, I do not own any of these amps nor did I single them out, I just happen have pictures of them with their "hoods" off, if I had some others, I may of included them as well.

Seandtaylor, it is an interesting issue you bring up, at least one I have been thinking on lately. Now, how to put it to words!

There is part of me that says it's just about the music, I want to hear the music the best I can.

Then there is the part of me that remembers the pure joy of using the features that the 383 includes, and I really enjoy the performace to boot. I don't doubt that those features cost, but like I say, I enjoyed them.

Now, to those like you that may care less, no need to pay for them, as in todays market, there are plenty of choices, although I sometimes think this is not such a blessing!

Funny thing about your "minimalist" desire, I have an article that talks how Mark Levinson was the originator of that. (Two notes on that, first I will point the obvious, back them it was ML the person. Second, as far as the signal path, I don't think they have deviated from that.)
I agree with Bob about the Magnum's. I too was shocked when i took the lid off of one. It is amazing that they sound as good as they do with the parts that they use. I guess it just goes to show what a manufacturer can do with low cost "mass produced" parts if they know what they are doing. Sean
Hi Brian ... I guess it depends on your budget. Good sound can be inexpensive if you eschew features and keep the power requirements (and room size) down. This is the way I have chosen to go. I just don't have the budget for ML equipment. I neither have a preference for european or US equipment .. my system is a mix of both. (Inc spica angelus ... what a great speaker !)
As for ML being the originator of minimalism that's an interesting article. I thought it had developed both sides of the atlantic. After all Quad, A&R(arcam), Mission all are rather minimal designs.
I guess part of my minimalism is a reaction against today's mass market consumer electronics which is loaded with gizmos and rather poor on basic quality. I don't want flashing lights and an array of buttons and features .... I just want to turn the volume up and hear good music. In fact the more features and choice I have the more likely I am to fiddle with the equipment instead of listening to the music. (for example the phase selector on my DAC ... does it really make any difference ?)