amp help - joule - transcendent - berning - atma

i am looking for the next level in amps (i currently have rogue 120s) looking at joule stargate; transcendent t8ln
david berning 270 or atma-sphere m602.2.

componet list:
joule la 150 with opus phono stage
vpihw19m3/fr64fx/shelter 501
pioneer trans- birdland dac
mac 67
merlins vsm-m bb
diy cables all the way around

anybody heard any combos of these amps??? anything else to look at 6k budget. no dealers in my area have this equipment to demo.

Hi Jim

I currently own both the Transcendent and Berning and Merlins but not the Atmas-pheres and Joules, their next :)

I have posted my impressions on the asylum and on other threads as noted above. If you live in or are planning a visit to Florida in the near future, you are invited to at least listen to these two. I currently have the Transcendent for sale and it is a great little amp. The big consideration with it and the Merlins is room size and musical preferences. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me and I'll fill you in on the details.

Oneprof - Being a former Vandy and ARC owner as well I can't argue with your dealer, I always felt ARC was the most synergistic with the Vandys over any other amp combo.
Hi Tubegroover,

Which Vandersteens did you have? How did they compare to the Milleniums? I have a pair of Milleniums at my local dealers on consignment, but they have the 'S' harness, so we really haven't experimented too much with A-B'ing them with the 5's. I would certainly expect better (or at least more) bass with the 5's, since they have the sub, but midrange and highs should be more equivalent. I do have to say that the 5's with the audio research had incredible soundstage depth.
Hi Oneprof

I owned the 2c's, 10 years lived quite happily until the upgrade itch finally reared its ugly head and got me going on another journey. I am familiar with ALL Vandy's including the big 4a's from the 80's, except the 5's so I can't comment on them. I'm sure I would like them. Vandersteen is absolutely one of the best value speakers I am aware of. Excellent full range performance, warm, sweet and musically involving. Nothing that is going to suprise you after extended listening.

Merlins are less forgiving, and much more system dependent. I feel they get closer to the qualities found in electrostatic/planer designs, speed, than any dynamic speaker system I have listened to. The design choices are good with the 2-way, much like a point source. The real problem with the Merlins is that it is necessary to match the components that will complement them. This can be said for all systems but it is more critical with this design because of the resolution capabilities of the speaker. The Esotar tweeter can be a real wild child when things aren't up to its lofty standards. I sure see why some prefer the Revelator over this one but when all is right, it can really take your breath away. I never cease to be amazed how reactive it is to subtle changes in source and wire.

The Vandys by contrast are more easy going. Prior to purchasing the Merlins I was seriously considering the Vandersteen 3a Sigs but didn't have the room for them at the time. A very fine speaker at the price point. After going through almost 2 years of truth and consequences with the Merlins, the past 8 months have been the most enjoyable experience in my audio life. They are doing that magic thing and the itch is in total remission.