recommendations for tube dampers???

I have found a combination of components that I think I can live with for a while. So now I'm starting to think about tweaks. I was hoping to get some feedback on various tube dampers that you have tried. The ones on look interesting, but many things do. Top hats, tube sox, pearl coolers, etc??? Anything you would recommend?
"...a little bit of microphony can be a good thing, and is probably one of the reasons we all like tubes"

Re-reading my post from eight years ago in light of the above-referenced comment, I feel compelled to say that for precisely that reason, among others, I don't use tubes anymore (for hifi that is -- guitar amps, always). After several years I grew tired of usually being able to "hear the tubes" to some degree when listening to recorded music, especially at realistic volumes. And I found that tubes are no longer necessary (in addition to putting up with their waste heat, replacement costs, inconvenient and occasionally catastrophic failures, and higher noise) in order to get lively, flowing, open, naturally consonant sound, including musically convincing bass. On top of its inherent advantages over tubes, good solid-state achieved parity in those regards a while ago IMO.
wow Zaikesman! you're a voice from the past!! :-) several of the people like you seemed to have left this forum some time ago & it feels lonely here....
good to see a post from you....
I think you're right BW, I should've put an exclamation point or two after the phrase "eight years ago"!! But I got posted-out on audio a while back and have mostly sworn it off since. However it's nice to get a welcome wagon rather than flamed for daring to diss the holy tube (which I'll always love even if I don't use 'em anymore), so thanks dude :-)
So Zaikesman, would you care to name some names as far as the SS gear you hinted at? Sorry, don't mean to hijack this thread but I am always very interested in tube-like SS gear I should listen to. Have not used tube dampers yet but this thread has got me thinking again.