Anyone have any experience with CJ Evolution 2000?

This is a hybrid tube/SS design amp introduced by Conrad Johnson in 1990. I have an MF-2200 by CJ and was wondering how much improvement EV 2000 would be and where that improvement would be. Anyone heard thes 2 amps?
it was reviewed favorably by either the absolute sound or stereophile years ago can't remember which magazine.
Hello,Artemus. I have heard these amps when working at Salon 1 Audio.The EV-2000 is going to be more robust and deliver more current,it's a powerhouse of an amp.Be sure that your power lines are up to snuff,it draws considerable current during turn-on. It was capable of driving power-hungry speakers and retaining that CJ sound which is very musical. CJ with muscle. Good luck,Tom

I heard that amp years (and years) ago driving Celestion SL700si. LOVED that system, the speakers absolutely disappeared in that room.