What's the best sounding SS or Tube linestage pre?

Hi All,
I've got to finally break down and buy a pre-amp. Any suggestions on which sounds best? I listened to the Adcom GFP-750 and it sounded pretty nice. Please use that as a reference point and go from there. (Just as good for less money....better for a little more?)

I'd like to know about both SS AND Tube pre's. I'm definitly interested in good VALUE too (not necessarily low price, but want good bang for the buck). I don't need bells and whistles (not even a remote) and only need it for one source (SACD-CD).

Thanks for your comments and Happy Listening!
a very good purist type preamp is steve deckert's "zen triode" design (zt pre). dual volume controls and outboard power supply, not many concessions to ergonomics (only 2 inputs, no remote). it does allow switching between low and high gain, and different output capacitor couplings, so it's flexible as far as the kind of sound you can get.
i own one, as you can probably guess.
it is extremely transparent sounding. it is also unique in terms of both features and sound for the price (about $900 with a lifetime warranty).
well if this sounds like an ad, i guess it is.
if you don't need much gain or switching, you can look into his passive design, which is $400.
The bottlehead preamps are excellent also and dirt cheap, if you are at all interested in building one yourself. www.bottlehead.com
the adcom is good but good the best tube designs are clearly better soundwise when it comes to adding gain to the signal (tho better, rare at the price level). by the way, the decware designs are not at all tubey sounding in the sense of warm, instead, they are totally neutral and minimalist, preserving fine detail in the signal.
good luck!
I will second Sugarbrie's comments on both Stan Warren and on the Conrad Johnson PV-10. I am continually amazed at how often there are PV-10's on this site for around $600. You can usually get one with phono for little or no extra money. The phono preamp alone is worth the $600.

You should check out the Audible Illusions line stage or phono stage pre-amps. Readily available--rated Class A--and luscious sounding.
I have to wonder why someone hasn't snagged that Stan Warren piece yet ? I was thinking about buying it when Chuck first listed it just out of curiosity. I figured that it would be gone in a matter of minutes, not a matter of days or even weeks. Sean