Thanks once again Sugarbie!
Based on your comments I took the opportunity to audition both the Complete and the (Single transformer) Integre. Now I don't know if it's my imagination or not but the Integre (single transformer) sounded more dynamic and full. The bass, while not at all earth shattering on the stand mount speakers I was listening through was definately fuller and more precise than the Complete. The overall sound signature was the same on both units but all styles of music from Tchaikovsky's Pathetic to Arabian Cafe Drum'n Bass had a more palpable presence especially at high volumes. And the build quality and attention to detail seems much better on the Integre.
Based on what I heard I totally concur with all of your comments, "I mean that the instruments where tonally precise.
The vocals where uncanny. The soundstage was holographic. I no longer had to look for it in the music it freakin jumped out and told me what music should sound like. I could no longer find any significant flaws, I didn't question the sound. It was all right there for me to enjoy."
I finally decided to get the Integre (single transformer) with remote because the dealer can offer the DT upgrade at any time. He also mentioned that for a modest sum he could use one of the inputs to make a pre-out. So I got a brand new unit for $1378.00. I may be wrong but I have the feeling that I will be happy with this unit for quite some time, even without the DT version. Even my wife immediately noted how the music seemed to be "purer", more refined and conveyed the emotion of performance better than the CAP 101 I owned previously.
This was a difficult decision because of all the conflicting advice I got: "Go with the Audio Refinement, splurge for the Integre"... Your input has been invaluable. In a certain sense you put the words into my ears... though my ears had the last word...
Based on your comments I took the opportunity to audition both the Complete and the (Single transformer) Integre. Now I don't know if it's my imagination or not but the Integre (single transformer) sounded more dynamic and full. The bass, while not at all earth shattering on the stand mount speakers I was listening through was definately fuller and more precise than the Complete. The overall sound signature was the same on both units but all styles of music from Tchaikovsky's Pathetic to Arabian Cafe Drum'n Bass had a more palpable presence especially at high volumes. And the build quality and attention to detail seems much better on the Integre.
Based on what I heard I totally concur with all of your comments, "I mean that the instruments where tonally precise.
The vocals where uncanny. The soundstage was holographic. I no longer had to look for it in the music it freakin jumped out and told me what music should sound like. I could no longer find any significant flaws, I didn't question the sound. It was all right there for me to enjoy."
I finally decided to get the Integre (single transformer) with remote because the dealer can offer the DT upgrade at any time. He also mentioned that for a modest sum he could use one of the inputs to make a pre-out. So I got a brand new unit for $1378.00. I may be wrong but I have the feeling that I will be happy with this unit for quite some time, even without the DT version. Even my wife immediately noted how the music seemed to be "purer", more refined and conveyed the emotion of performance better than the CAP 101 I owned previously.
This was a difficult decision because of all the conflicting advice I got: "Go with the Audio Refinement, splurge for the Integre"... Your input has been invaluable. In a certain sense you put the words into my ears... though my ears had the last word...