what did I do? channel hiss in McCormack DNA 0.5.

I was swapping preamps with the DNA 0.5, got a loud noise, and now there is an audible hiss from the left channel. I hear it on soft music or when I'm not playing anything. I don't hear it on louder stuff. Then, the music sounds great! I don't know what I did, but I know I wasn't careful. What's it sound like the problem could be? What should I do to find out/ fix it? Can I do any troubleshooting on my own, or is it best left to the pros?


The amp was on when I changed cables. I tried switching the left cable into the right channel and vice versa, and I still got the hiss from the left channel, so I think it's in the amp - and I tried another amp the other day, and the hiss was absent. With this amp, there's always a hiss if your ear is right next to the tweeter. But you can hear the hiss on the left speaker a few feet away. I have a feeling I messed something up in the amp, and I don't know who I should contact about it. I bought the amp used here. I could talk to Steve McCormack, a local store who carries this line, or someone else.



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Robert you've definitely done some damage but it's not real serious since the amp still plays. Definitely contact Steve McCormack & get the amp to him for repair. While you're at it you might consider an upgrade: SMC Audio has 3 levels of upgrades available. Check these out at his website & then talk to the guys at SMC; really good people there.