Rowland 2 or Accuphase A50?

Which of these amps are the better? I'm used to tube gear, but looking into the high end solid state to see if it compares.
You are wasting your time, a quality sand amp will never compete with a quality tube amp. Period. Unless you like your coffee w/o sugar, your fries w/o salt, your popcorn w/o butter, etc... No body to sand amps, I've owned all the best. Rowland, Krell, Levinson, Goldmund, Threshold, Pass, Accuphase, et al. If you put gun to my head, and absolutely FORCE me to use sand amp, I would go with Goldmund. Only sand amp I ever hear w/treble that can match tubes. But still lacks body and air in the midband.

CAT, Jadis, Joule-Electra, Atma-Sphere, VTL, Wolcott. These are real amps. YMMV...
Todd as you know, I have tried a lot of solid state & even some tube equipment. When I finally got around to buying an Accuphase that's where I stopped; there was simply no need to try anything else. But don't take my word for this; contact membername = Cornfedboy. He has them both (Rowland & Accuphase) as I understand it.