odyssey amp's how do they compare to others

are other amp's just over priced? could most people tell one amp from another if it was covered with a cardboard box?the stratos seem to get rave reveiws.am I just crazy to send more money on other move expensive amps.thanks in advance to everybody this is a great website
I am glad someone has opened a thread about theses amps. First off, has any body wondered how these amps got over 69 postive 5 dot reviews on audioreview. Think about that, 69 reviews all with 5 stars, Hum do I detect a little baiting the ole hook here. I hardley ever see these amps for sale, and to top that, they have not been out long enuff to warrant
that type of feed back. Go to audioreview and look to see what amp has the most reviews and out of those reviews how long has that company been around? Also see if out of over 15 reviews they all earned 5 stars nothen less. Iam sorry people but there are a hell of alot of amps out there and threw all the reviwes someone in the crowd will find fault. If this amp is so great why is it not plasterd on every Audio Magazine cover on the market? I heard these amps (At One Time) were being assyembled in the owner of the companys garage and that the amp is a replica of a French made amp allready on the market. One should really take note of the 69 reviews and ask. where did all these reviewers come from?? "Prehaps the garage that they are being assyembled in" !! (Just A Thought) Iam not knocking the amp in anyway, I am seeing a trail of a company building amps from his garage (from what I was told) and useing someone else's blueprints and gaininng all this posstive feedback, when in fact they were not his or her design to start. We have alot of well known companys here in the U.S. and in other countrys that have slaved their butts off to build a decent product from their own design, And every review, be it postive or negative has been earned. It Just Makes Me Wonder About The Marketing Behind The Odyssey.

This is a free speach America and Forum and theses are my thoughts on this topic
Hifying, you have every right to be concerned, suspicious, and even wrong.

The european amp that you speak of is the German amp (not french) Symphonic Line.

Klaus Bunge who is/was the U.S. importer for the Symphonic Line made a deal with them to build one of their amps in the US and sell it for under $1000. Because the Symphonic amps were so expensive (so the story goes).

Don't know if it is made in a garage or even in the back of a white van and don't care.

The results are supposedly astounding. The Absolute Sound gave it a Golden Ear award last year. The amp has been out there for over three years.

There have been legitimate reviews done on this amp and each one has sung it's praise.

Again, I have not listened to this amp myself, but I know two people who own the monoblock paired versions and both really like them.

Go to their website and find the reviews that have been done on this amp.
Never heard one these amps but have seen raves and questions about them. I do know that Moncrieff of International Audio Review fame gave them a very tall thumbs up, especially for the cash involved.

In case you're not familiar with J.Peter Moncrieff or IAR, he's not afraid to say that a product is a piece of XXXX or let you know exactly what his thoughts on a product are. This doesn't mean that he knows everything or that i would agree with everything he says, only that the "good reviews" come from both users and reviewers.

By the way, IAR doesn't accept advertising or advertising dollars. Sean
Actually, the count now stands at 75 perfect review (not to be taken as either an asserion or a snide remark, just a factaul comment).

Since when does magazine exposure and acceptance equate value and quality? Please, many well known audio publications will proclaim the most expensive pieces of equipment to be the best which is utterly ridiculus. However, without the support of many of the big, expensive well known hi-end companies these magazines would not have any chance of survival. This is simply some of the unfortunate but true politics of hi-fi.