Citation 7.1 CUTS out, do I need More Power?

I have a 7.1 which I am using in a bridged mode,
450 x 2 @8ohms and at a very loud, close to clipping probably, the amp will cut off, then back in, then off, then back in, and so on. When I turn the volume down,
it is fine. Is this some type of internal circuit to prevent damage to the amp/speaker?


Also, does this mean I will need more power for the volumes I am listening at?

Ag insider logo xs@2xporschecab
WELL!! It isn't the amp! I used another amp, a Marantz MA-24, 30WPC Class "A" european release only, and it does the same thing at relatively the same level, volume. Does this mean the Aerial 10T's are halting the power from coming in to prevent blown drivers?

I don't know for sure, but it certainly sounds like the protection circuit(if it has one). You must really be lifting the roof!
Still, don't know for sure, because I haven't had any of the gear you mentioned, but some speakers have a cut out type of protection device in them, too. However, the ones that I've seen need to be manually reset once they've tripped. Check the owner's manual. I also think it is odd that you get similar volume levels from 30w amp as with a 450w amp! However, some speaker protection circuits operate based on a certain level of distortion they detect in the input. This may have something to do with it.You need to talk to Stehno, he has 10T's with a McCormack. He is knowledgeable and should be able to help you out.
You might have tripped the amp's thermal protection. If your amp is already well ventilated, check the fuses. If the fuses are ok, make sure you have a good powercord going into the amp. If you have done all those, maybe you need more power.