Citation 7.1 CUTS out, do I need More Power?

I have a 7.1 which I am using in a bridged mode,
450 x 2 @8ohms and at a very loud, close to clipping probably, the amp will cut off, then back in, then off, then back in, and so on. When I turn the volume down,
it is fine. Is this some type of internal circuit to prevent damage to the amp/speaker?


Also, does this mean I will need more power for the volumes I am listening at?

Ag insider logo xs@2xporschecab

I emailed you the spec. Hope it helps. By this spec, in bridged mode, the drivers of 10Ts will probably reach their mechanical limit/extension before your 7.1 runs out of gas.
Hey Dan - looks like you've received some pretty sound advice thus far - but I will go out on a limb here and ask if this problem occurs mostly during DTS playback?
Hi Brian,

No, actually in just straight stereo. I am about to push the biamp configuration now and see what the outcome is.........