Pass Labs or Audio Research Solid State Amplifiers

I was considering Pass Labs or Audio Research solid state amps and preamps. Which one of these do you think would sound better? I am open to suggestions, I just dont want a budget amplifier, as that is what I have had so far. FYI, I have never owned a amp that cost more than $1700 or a pre that cost more than $900....

I listen mostly to music like metalica and megadeath.
I listen to my music pretty loud. I would figure I would need an amp as powerful as the one I use now -- even though I NEVER turn it up to its full limits. The amp I use now is a budget amp that is 200w x 2 into 8 ohms, 300w x 2 into 4 ohms. Any and all suggestions of what to do and specific model numbers will be appreciated! Help Please!!!
Audio Research is reknowned for their tube amps (I owned
a D-125 which was excellent), but their solid state amps
have never impressed the masses as much as their tube
offerings. I also owned a Pass Aleph 5 which was an
excellent Class A solid state amp, and occasionally
available for $1500-1800 used. I personally would lean
to a Pass amp as having a more refined sound.
The Pass Aleph series amps are very detailed and direct, but the affordable models are only 30 or 50 wpc. They do have bigger Aleph models and they have the newer X-series, but they start getting more expensive. I would definitely recommmend listening to some amps in your home before buying. I'm not sure if you would like the sound of the Pass with Megadeath or Metallica. I'm not putting down the music at's just that the amps are very detailed and neutral, and you may not prefer the way their lower powered amps portray distorted rock, and they may not be able to go as loud as you might prefer. I owned an Aleph 3 and, though I appreciated a lot about it's design, purity, and musical detail, I never found myself tapping along as I listened. I constantly found myself distracted and I wasn't enjoying the music. It's an amazing amp, but it wasn't the right amp for me...with my system.

All amps are designed by people with individual tastes and they will appeal people's individual tastes. Some are better at portraying certain styles of music than others...probably due to the designer's individual tastes. Besides all that, you need to know how the amp will mate with your preamp, speakers, and the rest of your system. There are many amazing preamps, amps, and speakers, but they won't sound amazing if they're not matched with compatible components...that's why it's so important to try the amp in your room, with your system and your music.
i think people here will want to know about your associated gear, especially the speakers you are using or speakers you plan to use. the speaker/amp combo should be well thought out for synergy. if you are using a budget speaker, you will likely upgrade that after your amp purchase, and some, including myself, do not think you should proceed this way.
i would pick the speaker i wanted to voice and then choose from an appropriate selection of amps. consider, if you have a fairly to highly efficient speaker (>= 90db sensitivity with a fairly flat impedance curve) you will likely not need a monster ss amp and may find yourself very satisfied with a pass aleph series.
the bottom line is that many feel the amp should be chosen for the speaker it is intended to drive and rarely the other way around.
let us know more about your system