Opinions on Classe Amps?

Looking at the 301....Speakers are Legacy Sig III,s , Preamp is an Integra RDC-7. Thanks.
Is there a big different on CA-201 and CA-301, if there is is it because of the 301 was build on using omega series is it truth how does each other compared?
I'd say the 201 and 301 are identical except for the wattage, though I admit I've never owned a 201. The Omega series is the last word in Classe technology, and are slightly more advanced than the 01 series.

When built into the right system these amps sound great. They have good musical characteristics and provide lots of slam when you need it. I've owned at least four classe amps over the years and can testify that they look stunning sound great and are built like small Sherman tanks.
I have only heard them at dealers. Almost bought one. They seem to offer a lot of the goods the big boys do at a lower cost. I found them to be fairly warm sounding for solid state at there price points. How ever IMHO there was a bit "chalkiness" in the lower treble that didn't suit me.