Innersound ESL amplifier - good choice?

I am considering the Innersound ESL amp for my maggie 1.6QR's.
Does anyone have experience with this amp?
Is it really as good as TAS says?
I do not see many people commenting on them and I normally like tube amps but want to keep my speakers. My Rogue Magnum 120's do not have enough power and dynamic range for these speakers. I have the Magnum 99 pre as well.
Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you everyone who has help me on Audigon in the past.
thanks wellfed

EVERYONE reading this should read the zero website, at the very least interesting and maybe more (different = fear?). I do not know what to think but I will investigate further as I have often wished the Maggies were about 12 OHM's.


p.s. anyone have their own testimonials on the Zero?

Travis, an Augiogon member, is using the ZEROs on Magnepan 3.6 loudspeakers. Perhaps you can look him up using the search engine here.

I am not sure, but he may have comments on the testimonial section. I don't know the specifics but I'm pretty sure he is getting good results.
the zero's in his system. You can find out more by going to the thread "Rogue owners unite" under amps preamps and read what he says about them or send him an e-mail.
I've found, that the InnerSound is very dependent on the right wires you are using it with. It sounded, just as ASA has suggested, plainly awful on a Quad 989 with the "best" of NORDOST, whereas I found it almost on par with the best ( and most expensive ) I know, with R. Sanders' wires and with a pair of the old Quad 63s.
Hi Detlof.

I didn't use Nordost on the 989's. Frankly, even the thought of that makes me shiver. I only referred to Nordost as a sound analogy. I used Mapleshade Omega Micro Planar III copper and NBS Signature series 1 - hardly screamers as spkr cables go. If one needs Sander's cables to tone the amp down, if that's the case, then OK, but I understand Sanders believes cables don't make any difference (said a friend who talked to him), so I wonder whats up with that. The amp has great slam with clear space, charitably said, but long on nuance its not. Basic high current SS with minimal distortive artifacts, but you will never hear someone say that the sound enveloped them, not if they've listened around. In the progeny of sound from PS Audio 100 to Coda to Spectron to... Innersound - cleaner and clearer as you go - the artifact thing - but not what TAS says it is. (Months later, is it listed in any of their reviewer's systems, did Seydor use it in last month's reveiw, or HP in the Maggie 20.1 review?)

But here's the bottom line. Sanders honestly believes in his amp and I'm sure, Philojet, would ship one out to you with a reasonable deposit, so listen for yourself - which is always the way to go. Alot of people like the piece, so maybe you will too. Hey, if you started a Coda thread I'm sure their would be a lot of advocates then too. I just think the Maggies could be done better. That said, I'm hardly a Maggie expert. Maybe some experienced 20 and 20.1 owners could chime in with some advice? I think that would help.