A difference there is! I drove 80 miles to a dealer that had them both on display. I first listened to the 6500 driving a pair of B&W Nautilus (the $3600 ones). I don't much like these speakers but they told me what I needed to know. The 6500 sounded good....very good. Full, clear, deep, great soundstage....nothing objectionable. Then we switched to the 6900......very, very nice.......smoother.....the voices were much more real to me, life-like.....the sound was less etched than the 6500......fuller, stronger base.....clearer high notes....more open midrange....I really, really liked the sound much, much more. These amps do sound different.....enough so for me that I will be going with the 6900.....whenever I will be able to get one! I'll wait if I have to.
If your dealer only has the 6500, ask them to let you hear the C42 preamp with one of the seperate Mac amps that has the autoformers (like the MC202). You will get a good feel for the difference that way. Good Luck!
If your dealer only has the 6500, ask them to let you hear the C42 preamp with one of the seperate Mac amps that has the autoformers (like the MC202). You will get a good feel for the difference that way. Good Luck!