Gryphon amps.

What do you think of Gryphon electronics? In comparison with,say,Rowlands?
I am very familiar with all their offerings, including the Reference monos. They are solidly built, offer reliable service. The bigger models have a lot of punch, are good in the bottom octave and have nice highs, with only just a very slight tad of grain.( You could not mistake them for tube amps ) They offer a fair holographic soundspace and the midrange is uncoloured, straight and clean. They do not have, on the other hand, the speed, the ease, the lightening fast transient response of the big Spectrals, nor their naturalness. Cheers,
I have had jeff model 2 with battery. I use Wilson ACT 1s.
I sold the jeff and Bought a Gryphon Tabo inter,i love it!
I have the gryphon signature for my main speaker and the Gryphon S100 for the center speaker .Fast detailed no grain or harshness absolutly superb at least with my speakers.JM Utopias The Spectral are way too harsh for my taste I do listen to primarily classical music. I would venture a guess that for Rock etc. they may be fine. The Rowland are nice but do not have the speed and slam.
Thank you all.Albert, does your statement hold when comparing phono stages including built-in?
Ramy, Spectral harsh and good for Rock music?? Good heavens, how ears( and systems )are different! What wires did you use?
I listen mostly to classical music and I cannot bear harshness. The Gryphons are "harsh" in comparison, if you wish to use that phrase at all. Cheers,