Is there a pre-amp not processor with a sub out?

I'm creating a class "A" system with a velodyne 18 sub & Ultima Gems, and the position of the sub is too far away from the preamp to be cost effective (Running interconnects from the preamp to the sub and then back to the amp) and I won't use speaker connections. Is there a class "A" preamp that has the cross-over built into it (subwoofer output)?
Sorry, Funkydog. I missed your post. If you look closely at my post above, it clearly stated class A preamp.

Better late than never.
Sonic Frontiers Line series preamps have two pair each of single end and XLR outs. Very convenient. I am using my second pair to my single sub. Only available used now but a very good value if you find one. Tubed to boot! The Line 3 was rated Class A. I have no complaints about the Line 1. SFI has SE upgrades available for a while yet if you are interested in going from B to A. Good luck.