best 50 watt tube amplifier?

in your opinion what is the best 50 or + watt tube amplifier made currently?
LOL....The question was "best 50 watt tube amp" not "what 50 watt amp do you own and like", or "what is a good value 50 watt tube amp." Cary Rocket 88? BAT? ARC? EAR? Atma-Sphere? LOL....

Best ~50 watt tube amps are the Tenor OTLs already mentioned, Cary 805C, Jadis JA-100, Komura 845, CAT JL-2.
Mejames, if you identify the speakers you intend to use and size of your room the answers to this question might be more specific.

OTOH if this is one of those "what is the BEST....." then my 2 cents would be the Tenor 75Wi is "the BEST 50 watt tube amplifier" i have heard (and nothing else was in their league).
It really depends on your speakers and what type of music you listen to. But without any caveats, CJ MV 60, Lumly GL 50 and EAR 534. Preamp with make a difference also.
Don't forget about the WAVAC HE-833 SET monos. Not inexpensive, but certainly a contender for the best at any price. Just my .02