Kestrals and SETs?

I have a pair of hot rodded Kestrals and I want to find an integrated SET(less than $1500, new or used) that is a good match.
I would appreciate any feedback based on actual experience and any other significant set-up tips-
thanks in advance-
Hi, it is more then you want to spent, but I just listened to Kestrals and KR Audio Antares. Wow! It is magical combination...
Ok, what topology, output tube and power do the Audio Antares deliver? The Kestrals are high 80s in efficency?
I own the Kestral HR's and used them for a while with a Fi 2a3 - 3.5 watts. They will give you a taste of whats going on with SEts but the kestrals really need a minumum of 8 watts, and the truth is probably more.

There are some kits out there for that kind of money or less, and I believe ASL makes some 300b's in that price range (?).

I've kept the kestrals, but currently use the Fi with a single driver speaker with much higher sensitivity.