Amp for Paradgim Studio 100

Just upgraded from Paradigm mini-monitors to Studio 100's. Now I'd like to get a great amp to match these great speakers. I have an Arcam 72T Cd player which is very revealing and forward which when combined with the metal tweeter can sound a bit bright at time. Been thinking of getting the Musical Fidelity A300cr amp or Odyssey monoblocks. Which one would be better? Looking for something to tame the 100's as well. Do these amps have a warm but detailed sound to them?
Click on (or copy to address line)to get some ideas in the five channel world that could apply:
For two channel, the Musical Fidelity does get great reviews! Another option is to go with the Sierra Whitney which can be configured as a stereo power amp or a differential mono amp (sounds a bit better in mono mode). You should be able to buy it new for under the $3,500 list and it is a first class amp (in stereo mode 120w into 8ohms and 240w into 4 ohms). You might be able to get it new on a trial basis. Very smooth high end and killer bass -- smooth over the whole range, actually. Start with one and add another later as the budget allows. Nothing listed on Audiogon right now, but I recall the used prices in the typical 55-65% range. You have lots of great options. Good luck.
I had great results using an Electrocompaniet 120 amplifier with a pair of Paradigm 100's, arcam fmj 23 cd player, and the Electromcompaniet 4.6 pre amplifier. The EC did a great job of masking some of the 100's faults and made for a very balanced presentation that imaged outside of the boxes. I know a dealer that has one for sale (used) at a good price. No, I am not that dealer! I like my setup now but I still miss the air moved by the 100s with that amplifier.
I have used Maratnz MA 500s (biamped) on the 100s and am currently using an Anthem Amp 2 which I just love. The Anthem SE version sells for under 1K used. I've also demoed Levinson 333 which rocked (of course). I have seen people use mid-fi recievers to push the 100s, but I have yet seen one have enough juice to push em.