5751 tubes and Rogue Tempest?

Anyone used 5751 in place of the 12ax7 in a Rogue?

You're welcome. When we talked with Rogue about tubing my M-180's we were told that one of the factors influencing Rogue's decision to go to KT-90's was that they were having quality issues with the stock EH KT-88's (no quality issues with the Gold Lion KT-88's however). Your comment about having trouble with two of your tubes may be an yet another example of the quality issues they were seeing.
That's what it sounds like. Mark didn't mention it but was quick to suggest replacing the KT-88's. I think I do remember Kevin Deal talking about the KT-88's on his website.

I talked with the guys at the shop yesterday regarding their opinion of the sound differences between the KT-88's and KT-90's (it also reminded me again why I went with the 88's). The comments they made were that the KT-88 is a little warmer, more delicate and three-dimensional than the KT-90. The KT-90 having more a little more slam and power.

I hope this helps answer your earlier question about the sound differences between the two tubes. As I mentioned, I didn't audition the EH KT-90 - I just went with the GL KT-88 right out of the gate and have been very happy.
Have the KT90s in my Cronus Magnum, and the GL KT88s in my Ayon Spirit 2 and agree about the sound as Reynolds853 described.

Use Tungsol 5751s in the Cronus, added some warmth