consensus on passive preamps?

If you've had a passive preamp in your system what was the final verdict?
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I agree with Glreno, that transformer-based passive attenuators are the way to go. I'm using a DIY Bent Audio TX102, which should be very similar to the Silver Rock (I'd like to know how they actually compare), except that it's a bit more versatile and not quite as expensive.
What I want to point out is, that transformer-based passives don't have any of the drawbacks (impedance matching, requirement for short interconnects) of the resitor-based units and as such they are IHMO the best thing since sliced bread.
Best for more than one source component: a remote-controlled passive attenuator (stepped/potentiometer or even transformers) next to the power-amp inputs... = negligible cable influence.
...and to meet the topic: I can't imagine a better pre-«amp» than a passive one. Possibly a transformer design sounds best of all. (I have a 10-kOhm Alps potentiometer.)