I used to own a BP-25 with my 4B-ST amp and the BP-25 is dead quiet and neutral to the max - what you send in is what comes out. I preferred the sound once I inserted a Rogue 66 linestage with Mullard tubes. If I were to compare the two preamps I would liken the BP-25 to a black & white HDTV - every detail but after a time became sterile. The Rogue is like a great color TV (Non-HD) - less detail but with the "color" can be viewed for longer periods without fatigue. But hey thats just my system and my ears, the BP-25/4B-ST combo has rec'd many great reviews.
If it were me I would look for either a Magnum version 66 or get a cheap 66 (about $650 used) and have Rogue "magnum" it for $250. Conversely you could find a Rogue 99 within your budget and if lucky maybe a used Magnum 99. Good luck!
If it were me I would look for either a Magnum version 66 or get a cheap 66 (about $650 used) and have Rogue "magnum" it for $250. Conversely you could find a Rogue 99 within your budget and if lucky maybe a used Magnum 99. Good luck!