B&K vs. Aragon

I presently have a B&K Pro10MC Sonata preamp and ST140 amp combo. I like the warm sound with a Rega P32000 and Dynavector cartridge, Paradigm Sudio 60v2s. What would an equivalent Aragon system sound like (18K or 24K) preamp with
4002 or 2004 amp sound like in comparison? I do not have the luxury of auditioning. I listen to mostly jazz, rock and folk.
One word ARAGON....I have had many b and k products over the years and my first "decent" preamp was the pro 10 mc balanced... I used this with an ex 4420.. nice setup. Recently, I by recommendation bought an Aragon 8002 dual mono amp. This thing blew me away as well as every other amp I have had in my house.. adcom 555 , 5500, 545, musical fidelity a3cr, mcintosh small solid state mc121.. etc.. I auditioned a reference 7250 against the Aragon and the aragon is a "real" amp. Much cleaner, more detailed.. makes you see the music much more than the b and k. Dont get me wrong.. b and k for the price is a great product, excellent customer service and decent build quality.. but for about the same money.. The Aragon cant be touched.. If you can stretch buy the 8008bb or an 8002 dual mono... I just bought a pair of matched Aragon Palladiums I am sold!!!
I'm not familiar with your speakers. Amps and speakers require more attention when being matched than most other combinations. I mention this because my experience with B@K components lead me believe that while the ST-140 has some nice qualities the larger ones with more current out put are amongst the best deals in audio. The M200's offer tremendous value. No, they are not as good as the very best but they come fairly close and at a steep discount. They do sound different than the ST140 in that they are not as warm (in fact perhaps a bit cool) but are so much better balanced as a whole, without the sloppy bass that plagues the St-140. I can't help but think that improving your amp rather than your pre-amp would give you more satisfaction. By the way I like Sonic Frontiers pre-amps with the B&K amps.
I have owned both B&K and Acurus (Mondial's cheap line) amps. I currently own a B&K ST-140 and a B&K Reference 4420. I owned the Acurus A250 and 100x3. I extensively A/B'ed them, and found the B&Ks to be more laid-back and display much more accurate stereo imaging. They were more detailed and sweeter sounding than the Acurus amps. The Acurus amps were very congested, forward, and unforgiving. Sterile and harsh. The only thing they did right was bass - lots of it, and smooth. I can't say how the Aragon gear compares to Mondial's cheaper Acurus line, but the Acurus stuff was so hard to listen to that it scared me away from anything else from Mondial. Ironic, in that I am a huge Klipsch fan!

Another good value, which IMHO sounds much better than either the B&K or Acurus, is the Conrad Johnson Sonograph and MF lines (both solid state). They just cancelled the Sonograph line after they purchased McCormack, so there are good deals to be had in that series.
I will take acurus. B&K has a stale boring sound compaired to acurus. Though is is still much better than any receiver.