Recommended SS AMP for under 1,000 Read on...

I am in need of a used SS 2-channel Amp to run my Martin Logan SL3 Electrostatics Speakers. It will be run by a Adcom GFP-750 Pre-amp so I will need a AMP w/balanced inputs.

If any of you that own electrostatics have any recommendations please let me know.

BTW: I owned a Adcom GFA-5500 which had a lot of balls but sounded to bright for the SL3. Thanks for you time!
Odyssey Stratos for $995. Very highly rated and powerful and fast.

Check out the reviews found at

Never heard this amp but never heard one negative thing about it. Only wonderful things.
Classe Audio DR8 or DR9, they come up used evey now and then and are an ideal with ML's.
Stretch a little for a Blue Circle BC22. ($1000 to $1250 used). Gilbert Yeung of Blue Circle is a Martin Logan owner, and uses them to test his designs. Nice amp for the money. The BC22 can be run balanced or single ended (Has both inputs).