Bryston 7B ST - Sounds anaemic. Any help?

I bought a new Bryston 7B ST recently to replace a 94 model 4B THX to drive my bass and I was hugely dissapointed. I wonder if there is a possibility that it may not be pumping 500w as it supposed to do. I have Alon Circe speakers.

I just don't get the oomph factor and I feel the 4B THX kicks better.

Would appreciate suggestions
I have looked briefly at the Asylum thread you referred to. I think you prove my point that when subjective listening by an avid audiophile such as you does not jibe with any rational measurement, some sort of explanation is drummed up to support the golden eared. Two of the favourite ones being some incompatibility (less virulent a position) to questioning the reputation of the manufacturer (example: Bryston may have found a loophole in the mandated measurement method). Reading too much into what the insane press says is also a good way to shore up one's subjective defences (well this "critic" said that he heard clipping and saw the indicators and it sure sounded that it happened on more that one occasion). Reading between the lines is a hazardous propostion. Oh yes figures lie and liars figure. Where does that leave pure subjectivity though? I'm just happy I am not a high end manufacturer having to survive with the whims of audiophiles, with the flavour-of-the-week syndrome and where conjecture, if not out and out fabrication, passed off as "discussion" or "opinion", can force me into bankruptcy. In this search for every perceived fault in any piece of gear, it's a wonder you guys find any time to enjoy music.
When I first received my 14b-st I used balanced
from my vk-30 bat to the amp and had no bottom.
then I saw the switch on the back that said balance
+ 6db . flipped the switch and problem solved. this
made a huge difference not only the bottom end but also
a much smoother tonal quality.A friend of mine borrowed my
amp and just used the unbalanced innerconnects and had no
problems with bottom end either.With my system there is
no lack of bass.
If you are unable to correct the problem you're having with the 7B-ST's, I suggest you contact James Tanner at Bryston for advice/suggestions. The easiest way to contact James is to go to Bryston's home page (, and at the bottom of the page you will send a hyperlink for technical questions. James (or one of his minions) always responds very quickly, and will probably have the solution to your problem.
Pbb, you forget that i make my living working on electronic gear taking hundreds of measurements on a daily basis. As such, i'm not just talking as an "avid audiophile" discussing "fantasy situations" and associated explanations. There are PLENTY of times that one component will perform measurably better on a bench but just won't cut the mustard under real world conditions.

I've seen an RF transmitter showing more than twice the power output on a lab grade wattmeter and scope get its ass kicked by another transmitter showing slightly less than half that same amount of power. Before you ask, this testing was done using the same loads ( same dummy load on the bench and then both transmitters feeding the same antenna on a switchbox ). We are not even talking about how each deals with different types of loads and why but in effect how they work apples to apples. As far as i know, Hafeez did that same "apples to apples" type of comparison.

Try explaining to a customer why his "antique" radio that he thought would be a "spare" works better than his latest / greatest / far more expensive "high tech" piece of gear that he just bought and shows more than twice the power. Then you'd know how i feel at times. There are some things that we just don't know how to explain and are not "quantifiable" at this point in time.

The above RF situation is no different than what i've experienced with AF ( audio frequency ) amps. My old 250 wpc 4B that was factory serviced could not drive speakers as well as the 75 wpc Classe' 70 that i had. While i have NO doubt believing that the 4B would measure quite noticeably more powerful on the bench, i also have NO doubt that it sounded anemic and kept going into clipping. At the same time within the same system, the "baby sized" Classe' just kept pumping out the tunes with nary a problem and at higher listening levels. Neither amp really sounded "good" to me, but i had a HELLUVA lot more respect for that little Classe' for obvious reasons. Once again, this was an "apples to apples" type of situation with the same equipment being used. The only variables introduced were the two different amps.

As i mentioned, i was simply commenting on the information that was presented in that article. LG's comments fell "close to home" as i had been in a similar situation with the older Bryston. As to my "reading between the lines" about the amp going into clipping on more than one occassion, would that be "illogical" given the statements that were published ??? Personally, i think not. Then again, i have no agenda ( i don't sell or service ANY brand of hi-fi gear ) nor do i feel the need to stick up for a product that i felt performed in a sub-standard manner. How much "weight" or "value" someone puts on my comments as an end user is strictly up to them. As anyone that has read more than a few of my posts knows, i always try to stress that one needs to buy / use / work with their system and not worry about brand names, what someone else likes or what is currently "fashionable".

As to the subject at hand, Hafeez MAY be in a similar position. As such, i simply referred him to what was already a discussion in progess on another forum. I then asked questions so that we may be able to get to the bottom of his problem. Obviously, something IS wrong or being misinterpreted. Unless all of the variables can be explored, we'll never know what is taking place. The more that he knows and can familiarize himself with that piece of gear, the better off he'll be. Even then, since we can't "quantify" everything, we still may never know what is taking place. Sean

1) Have the unit checked, even the best lets a little quality issue slip out from time to time.

2) However, a bigger, higher current amp gets a lot tighter grip on the woofs, and may have just corrected the looser boom sound your used to. As such it will sound less bassy.

3) Does the bass sound tight, tighter than before? Then see #2 again.
