Best Remote $1,250 used preamp?

I need a new preamp, and refuse to give up full function remote control (volume and source selection). I have a budget of around $1k, but could go to $1250 for the right deal. What are the best options? I am thinking:

Conrad Johnson PFR
Bell Canto
Sonic Frontiers Line 1

I have a Sonograph amp now, but it is next on the upgrade list. Have Golden Tube SEP2 now for the pre.

Hi Paul:

I think you're getting some excellent recommendations and had a GREAT list to start off with as well. I wholehartedly agree with David on the Adcom and will leave it at that. I wanted to have you think further about the full function remote. You'll probably find you get up to do other things when you change sources and that volume only isn't as inconvenient as you think. Remote source selection costs money and degrades performance, so if you're looking at 2 pre's at the same price point, the volume only remote unit will likely sound better. Please feel free to contact me if you'd like to discuss this further.

I'm going to second the vote for the Sonic Frontiers Line 1. Matched with cardas cables and some NOS tubes, it'll give you a nice warmer sound that at the same time, puts forth tons of detail. It has all the features that you could want and has a way cool remote. For the prices they go for used, they are an absolute steal. Good Luck!
Pass Aleph P. I owned Sonic Frontiers Line pre amp and the Pass is by far and away a cleaner, truer, and more musical pre amp. In fact, I wish there was some way you or anyone here could come my way and listen to the fabulous Pass Aleph P ($1500) and the even more fabulous Pass X150 amp powering Apogee Duetta Signatures. Simply end game. I've listened to all the amps you are considering on Apogee ribbon speakers and the Pass amps are significantly better. There is a real reason for the difference and deserves further reading about.
I'll just chime in and say that my system apparently differs from the above post as it was a major upgrade going from the Pass Aleph P to the SF Line 2. I found the Pass Aleph P to be very detailed but dry in the midrange. I am biamping Legacy Focus speakers with an AES Superamp Signature and Parsound 1500A power amps. I understand that the Line 1 sounds similar to the Line 2, possibly lacking a little in the bass definition, and would highly recommend it considering the firesale prices I've seen.
Thanks for all the replys. I wonder about the CJ PF14? I am guessing I can stretch and get a demo one (they retail for $2k). How does it compair to the PFR? I would much prefer tubes, as I like to roll my own, but the full function tube-pre options seem limmitited.

I seem to rememember the PF14 has a funky tube, and CJ does not support changing them. Anyone know the story on the Conrad Johnson PF-14? thanks again