Which preamps if any combine all these features?

I've finally gotten to the point where a hankering for greater transparency and flexibility have me casually looking around at preamps, but I'm beginning to wonder if a model incorporating my ideal compliment of features is even made. My current pre is a Conrad-Johnson PV-8 w/phono, an all-tube unit from about 12 years ago. I've recently acquired a Camelot Tech Lancelot phono stage, so a linestage would be OK, but is not a prerequisite. Putting aside specifics about sonic preferences, tube vs. SS (will consider either), or system matching (my amp will probably also be changing soon) for the moment, here is the list of features my ideal would have:

Active preamplifier (with useful amount of gain available)
Remote control (wireless) of most functions
Mono switch (I'd love to see a left/right/stereo/mono switch like I have now, for use with old vinyl, but I think that one is too unrealistic to fly!)
Balance control
Mute control
Single-ended (RCA) connection capability
At least 5, and preferrably more, inputs
2 sets external tape loops, with monitor capability
2 sets main outputs
Volume control implemented through discrete resistors or a shunt mechanism, instead of a potentiometer
Digital display for repeatable volume settings
Highest quality parts and construction that can be realistically expected at around up to 2.5K used

Additional features that would be nice, but aren't deal-breakers here:

Detachable power cord
Ability to name inputs
Ability to preset individual inputs' relative gain levels for volume matching across sources
Made in North America

Additional features that I don't require, but that I don't object to, either:

Two-chassis design
Phase inversion control
Balanced (XLR) connection capability
Theater processor thru-put
Phono stage built in
Ability to drive very long interconnects
Metal-case remote
Standby function
Headphone jack (I have an outboard unit already)

The things I am *not* looking for:

A digital pre
Tone controls

The things (besides colored or obscured sound) that I can't put up with:

Something less than competitive S/N ratio
Poor ergonomics
Poor or nonexistent factory service
Switching transients audible at speakers
Recommendations that entail aftermarket mods to realize

OK folks, have at it! (Let me re-emphasize that I am not on a quest here for the Best Sound In The World, I just want to go foward from where I am, which I think is reasonable to expect, as nice a basic little pre as the PV-8 still is.) Am I dreaming, or are there still preamps made with the philosophy that a pre should be a *control* center?! Thanks for taking the time and for your suggestions.
I'm looking at the Adcom GFP750...didnt compare all the specs you mentioned, but I know it comes close. Take a look at Adcom's website.
OK until PS audio preamp isn't ready yet you should through them your ideas :^)!
Look into the Sonic Frontiers Line 2 for a quality tube pre that's loaded with flexibility and features (except phono, of course).
The Simaudio Moon P-5 has everything on the list except mono and phase inversion controls and sounds awesome. You can find them on A'gon for around $2500.