From tubes to solid state

Who has gone from tubes back to solid state, and why?
I have gone from solid state to hybrid (tubed pre amp with solid state amp integrated). Now I'm going back to solid state. I don't know enough about tubes, and I like the ease of use solid state offers. Plus, I want to be able to spend some really money on tubes instead of doing only mid fi. I may end up going back in a couple years.
I went back to SS to get the power I was missing from a tube amp I once owned(Anthem amp1). Upgraded the pre from a LS7 to a AES-3. The pwr amp is a Audible Illusions S120. A great combo. Tube rolling is fun but expensive. Now I only have two tubes to roll and most are from the USA(6sn7's). I will get another tube amp down the road. I still have plenty of EL34's.
I run all solid state except the main system which is tube preamp, solid state amp. I was all solid state for a while after getting rid of tubes a number of years ago. The tube gear I had then never sounded the same with any new tubes after the original tubes that came with the gear when I bought it wore out. I never liked any of the tube preamps I had tried then until the Blue Circle I now have. If not for the Blue Circle preamp, I would still be all solid state.
I've gone from tube to SS on my phono pre-preamp. I wanted a quieter background, and I still have a tube linestage and power amp in the system. Interestingly, the sonic differences between various resistive loading options I tried with the new unit affected the sound much more profoundly than the switch from tube to SS with loading kept the same. Still, the sound was always more clearly delineated with the SS, the tonal balance slightly lusher with the tubes. The SS won on transparancy, resolution, solidilty and extension, even if it was a bit less voluptuous. When the loading was truly optimized with the SS unit, midrange tonality, HF air, and bass control were all more correctly presented, with fewer deviations from what I perceive as neutral, and focus was greatly improved. Not to mention that I got the noise reduction I was looking for, despite the welcome increase in gain. The units compared (using my B-M glider M2) were the phono stage of my C-J PV-8 preamp (47k ohm, 47dB), and the Camelot Tech Lancelot phonostage (set to 392 ohm, 54dB). The latter wins, even with the extra interconnects needed. At the low price, I'm not sure that tubes are as competitive here, but I haven't tried a premium tube phonostage.

P.S. - For those reading who have replaceable, socketed resistors for cartridge loading in their phonostages, I recommend investing in premium quality resistors once you have determined the correct value using the inexpensive kind. The Lancelot didn't come with these, but a couple of Vishay's did make a worthwhile upgrade for around $12 apiece; the $1 Dales sounded slightly colored and veiled in comparision (sorry to wander so far off-topic!).
It doesn't matter whether the device, is thermionic, or silicon. What matters, is the enjoyment, it brings to you, when you listen. If conveinience, is the priority, then solid state, is definitely more conveinent. If sonics, is the priority, then decide, which sounds the best, TO YOU.