From tubes to solid state

Who has gone from tubes back to solid state, and why?
Bishopwill's post supports the proposition that a tube amp acts like an equalizer with gain instead of a pure gain stage. If the transfer function of the tube amp is determined then it should be posible to design a solid state implementation which will yield the same results.
Yes, in theory that is the case, though I would not want to move in that direction. However, for persons who desire the "cream and air" of tubes (as someone noted above) but don't want the hassle of tube replacements and biasing and heat, it might be a desirable option. And, in fact, given the current fondness for tubes, one often sees SS gear advertised as producing "tube-like" sound.

Interesting, Bishopwill. I've had just the opposite experience, with music (especially classical instrumental) seeming more real through good tube gear. Granted, some tube equipment can be euphonic and "slow", but other units can be very detailed, transparent, and more correct regarding tone/timbre to my ears than most solid state (one exception: the lower bass). Nevertheless I keep searching through SS gear in hopes of finding something (mainly amp) that will satisfy my ears, since tube gear is a bit of a hassle, and those nice NOS tubes will eventually run out!